How God Made Me Smile


My hope is that this post encourages someone to know that God cares about every aspect of your life and wants to put a smile on your face whenever He can 😊.

This past Wednesday I was on my way back to my office when I was deciding what to grab for lunch. I decided to get a salad from this place that I go to whenever I am in that area. I love hot peppers in my salad and they have jalapenos. I asked for the hot peppers and I was told that they do not have them anymore 😮! For those who know me, you know I love food 😀. The employee wasn't sure if they were permanently removed from the menu so she told me to ask the manager. I found the manager and asked whether this was a permanent situation. He told me that it is hard for him to get the hot peppers from his distributors and he is not sure if he is going to get them in stock anytime soon. I was disappointed 😟 but I purchased my salad and left.

I get to work and I begin to tell (complain to 😀) my co-worker about what happened. I jokingly say to her, "do you have any jalapenos?" She said, "you know what, I do have something!" She came back with a small plastic bag with four hot peppers!!! I had to smile to myself because I felt the love of God. I do not think anything is by coincidence and this was another example of that!

I then cut up the peppers and I ate my salad! 😊

A couple weeks prior, I had asked this co-worker for some hot peppers from her garden and she said she would bring them in. She had forgotten to bring them in and so did I. But, on the day that I wanted (needed 😀) them she had them for me. She actually had them that morning but she had forgotten to give them to me but when I asked, it jogged her memory. To me this was more proof that God's timing is always perfect.

The icing on the cake for me was I had dinner with a friend that (Wednesday) night after work and she bought me a gift. It was a small book that had the title, "Favorite Moment A Day Journal" See the pic. Guess what my first entry was?? Yup! You guessed it ... it was about the hot peppers 😀.

God loves every single part of us and our lives. The things others would consider "small", if it means something to you, it is important to God!  He cares so much about each and everyone of us that he even knows how many hairs we have on our head. Which means he knows us better than we know ourselves!

"And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows" Luke 12:7

This post was originally shared with the word changes Prayer Circle where our mission is to have a safe space for people of all faiths to pray for the world and to seek prayers for themselves and others in their lives. Please join us! Use this link to join

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