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Coming Together

Coming Together

It’s been a wild ride these last few years. The United States of America, one of the best countries in the world, is again in disarray. Its people divided by retrospective mindsets that seemed to lay dormant then arise like a thorny plant inside a harvest.

Between the political coverage in the media, social justice protest, and racial divide, it appears that there is no hope for unity. However, there is some glimmer of hope, a plight of good will that will bring Americans together again.

Let’s ponder that for a second. How can Americans come together after such calamity?

One way to do is simply just do it. Why suspend peace because of the choice of others? Forgiveness is a sour grape to swallow sometimes, but it helps move people forward. Frederick Buechner once said:


“When you forgive somebody who has wronged you, you’re spared the dismal corrosion of bitterness and wounded pride. For both parties, forgiveness means the freedom again to be at peace inside their own skins and to be glad in each others’ presence."


As the American people prepare for a less favored elected president, forgiveness is one of those things in life that ensures peace among all.

Although forgiveness is ideal, it’s often the last choice taken by most people. For the past few days, The Word Changes has explored the question on how people can come together as a nation after the election across social media. Some of the responses were angry and few were optimistic.

One that stood out was from a Candid user who said people will come together when they find a common ground. She said there has been propaganda that incites anger and promotes division, but some promotions have encouraged togetherness like the pet food company, Pedigree.

“People are not as extreme as some let themselves to believe,” she said. “Some people are angry and saddened by what’s going on in America, but we must find a common ground like the people who shared a common love for dogs in the Pedigree social experiment.”

There are a few elements in our lives that establish that common ground. Food, laughter, music, and even pets are part of that group that can help mend the fabric of Americans into diverse blanket that represents our nation. It’s a happy concept, indeed, yet it’s far away.

The honest and guaranteed way we can come together is time. A lot of old wounds that we strategically patched up have been opened again. The people are agitated and angry. They’ve taken sides due to politics, race, and religion.

It’s happened before. As we retrospect the history of the United States, we can see events of revolt and civil unrest. People then were unhitched to unity, and time settled those wounds aging their pain into frail stings that were healed and bandaged. Perhaps forgiveness is responsible for it.

But the answer to the question, how can we come together? Time.

We need to time. There’s a time for everything and now it may be healthy for people to be angry, without hurting others, for a little while. Right now, it’s best not to rush togetherness when everyone is charged up on divisive opinions. When our furious energy is spent, passions may be quenched. And forgiveness can move into open discussions, share some laughs, and encourage people to love each other.

-A the word changes contributor. 

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